
Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • This text is my original work and does not infringe the copyrights of third parties.
  • The text has not been published before and does not currently participate in any other publishing proceedings (possible comments and explanations should be placed in the comment for the editor).
  • The publication reveals all the information about the contribution of other people and institutions to its creation, as well as the sources of its financing.
  • The text complies with all editorial guidelines required by the journal.

The submitted article should contain the following elements:

  • article title in Polish;
  • article title in English;
  • summary of the article in Polish (minimum 200, maximum 250 words);
  • summary of the article in English (minimum 200, maximum 250 words);
  • keywords in Polish (at least three);
  • keywords in English (at least three);
  • uniform numbering of individual chapters and sub-chapters (1, 1.1, 1.2, etc.);
  • a bibliography arranged alphabetically, separately for items written in transliteration (in the case of texts from languages using a different alphabet).

Accepted article volume: 20,000-40,000 characters (including spaces).

Please include in an additional file the Author’s Note, which should include:

  • name, degree/academic title;
  • affiliation;
  • e-mail address;
  • ORCID number.

Due to the double-blind review process applied by the Editors, articles submitted for publication in the journal “Studies and Analyses of Political Science” should be prepared anonymously, without suggesting authorship to the reviewers.

Texts are subject to verification in the anti-plagiarism program iThenticate.

Texts in “Studies and Analyses of Political Science” may be published in the sections: Studies and articles, Varia, Reviews, Reports.

For the publication of texts in the “Studies and Analyses of Political Science” there is no remuneration for the author. The editorial board does not charge Authors for publishing the text in the journal.

The decision on the publication of a scientific text is made by the editorial team taking into account the following criteria:

  • originality;
  • novelty of the research topic;
  • scientific quality;
  • compatibility of the topic with the profile of “Studies and Analyses of Political Science”;
  • the content of the review or the opinion of the thematic or linguistic editor.



Main text:

  1. Formatting should be kept to a minimum – just highlight titles, subtitles and paragraphs.
  2. All quotes should be written in quotation marks in a simple font - not italics.
  3. Quotes inside quotes should be marked with a double quotation mark « ».
  4. All titles of publications in the main text should be written in italics without quotation marks.
  5. Do not use spacing to get a shot print effect for distinctions in the text.
  6. Definitions of time should be written in abbreviations, centuries in Roman numeral (XIX century). The names of the months should be read in full (November 11, 1918).
  7. In the text, use „–” hyphens (dashes) between the digits (numbers) in the designation of pages (p. 2–5) or dates (2005–2010).
  8. At the first call, the person must provide the full name and surname, at the subsequent initials of the name and surname.
  9. Each table and/or figure should be accompanied by a concise title and source.


  1. When citing a text in a so-called bibliographic reference, the author’s name and year of publication should be given in brackets, and the page number in the case of direct quotation.
  2. Where two or more works are referred to in the same bracket, they should be arranged alphabetically, i.e. in the order in which they appear in the Bibliography. References to subsequent works are separated by a semicolon. Two or more works by the same author should be arranged in ascending order by year of publication (e.g. Nowak, 1997, 2005, 2013, 2022).
  3. The footnotes are intended to supplement the basic information contained in the main text. Their use in the publication should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  4. The Latin alphabet should be used for bibliographic entries, and transliteration should be used for texts from languages using a different alphabet (e.g. Cyrillic).
  5. Bibliographic notation should be used in the Bibliography using the so-called comma method.
  6. Bibliographic items should be arranged alphabetically. In the case of several works by the same author, the titles should be arranged chronologically. If several works by the same author were published in the same year, add the letters a, b, c, etc. after the year of publication (without a space between the year and the letter), with the bibliographic entries arranged alphabetically by title.
  7. Examples of footnotes by source are provided in the table.