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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text is fully original and does not infringe third-party rights
  • The texts has not been published before and is not subject to any other pending publication procedures (please provide potential remarks and explanations in the comment to the editor)
  • All information about the contribution of other persons and institutions participating in the drawing up of the paper, and about financing sources has been provided
  • The text has been adjusted to all editorial requirements indicated by the Editorial Board
  • The profiles of text authors have been supplemented with their ORCID numbers and affiliation details
  • The author agrees to conclude a contract for the transfer of economic copyrights to the work, if the work is accepted for publication (agreement).
  • The author/authors represent that they hold the right to use the materials included in the Work, such as texts, photographs, maps, plans, etc., and that their use does not infringe and third-party rights
  • If the scope of the article's content concerns research on humans and/or animals, the author declares that he/she has ethics committee approval or other relevant permission to conduct such research, which will be provided to the Editors.


  1. The texts for the Studia Prawnicze KUL (the KUL Journal of Legal Studies) may be published in the following sections: Studies and Articles, Materials and Commentaries, Source Materials for Legal Studies, Reviews, and Conference Reports,
  2. No remuneration is provided to authors for the publication of texts in the Studia Prawnicze KUL (the KUL Journal of Legal Studies).
  3. The decision on the publication of a research paper is made by the Editorial Board taking into account the following criteria: originality, research quality and consistency with the profile of the Studia Prawnicze KUL (the KUL Journal of Legal Studies) and based on the reviews or opinions of subject or language editors.
  4. The texts submitted for publication in the Studia Prawnicze KUL (the KUL Journal of Legal Studies) cannot be previously published elsewhere (also on the Internet), or be subject to an ongoing editorial process in another journal. It may not infringe third-party copyright. Possible contribution to preparing the publication and possible financing sources should be revealed by the Author. Practices defined as ghost writing and ghost authorship are regarded as a form of scientific misconduct and infringement of rules of ethics in science. All instances of such misconduct will be documented and disclosed.
  5. The Author is obliged to enter into an agreement with the Editor for the gratuitous transfer of right to the Work, including an obligation to grant a CC-BY 4.0 licence.
  6. The Author is responsible for making sure that no third-party publication rights or copyright are violated. The Editorial Board does not verify the quotations or their translations included in papers.
  7. The texts prepared for publication should be sent via the CzasKUL journal platform. The Editorial Board Secretary confirms the receipt of the text by e-mail.
  8. The text should include continuous pagination, and the volume of the text should not exceed 40 000 characters with spaces (i.e. 1 publisher’s sheet).
  9. The text should be prepared using the MS Word editor. The main body of the text should be prepared using the Times New Roman font, 12 pts., leading: 1.5. The footnotes should be prepared using the Times New Roman font, 10 pts., leading: 1.0, with references in the main body of the text.
  10. Texts in Polish and English should be prepared using the Latin script. Texts in Russian should be prepared with the use of  Cyrillic. The use of texts originating from languages using other scripts require the application of transliteration. 
  11. Due to the review process applied in the Studia Prawnicze KUL (the KUL Journal of Legal Studies) the text to be published should not include the Author's identification data. The Author should submit the texts of the publication to the Editorial Board without identification data.
  12. The Editorial Board reserves the right to remove any minor stylistic deficiencies and standardise the text in line with the aforementioned principles, without the need to agree upon the changes with the Author.
  13. The authors have the right to publish their works (in the version provided by the Editor) on the Internet (e.g. in institutional repositories,, or on their websites) only after their publication in this Journal, indicating licence details (we also recommend providing the source of the publication, e.g. the Journal’s website).
  14. If the scope of the article's consent covers research on humans and/or animals, the author should provide the consent of the Ethics Committee or another appropriate authorisation for such research.

The editors use a plagiarism detection software called iThenticate, which facilitates the inspection of the originality of texts submitted for publication in the Studia Prawnicze KUL (the KUL Journal of Legal Studies):

Guidelines for individual sections of the Journal:

  1. Studies and Articles
  2. Materials and Commentaries
  3. Source Materials
  4. Reviews
  5. Reports