Subjective and Territorial Scope of confugium ad ecclesias, and Christian Ideas

Renata Świrgoń-Skok

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Польша


Beginnings of asylum (asylum, ius asyli, confugium) in ancient Rome dates back to Romulus times. In subsequent periods of the development of the Roman state, the right of asylum was further developed and included in the norms of material and legal nature. In the Republic Period there were no comprehensive legal regulations regarding ius asyli, although temple asylum was known. It was only during the empire that legal regulation of asylum was in place and two of its forms were developed, confugium ad statuum (asylum, escape to the monument to the emperor) and confugium ad ecclesias (church asylum). That study focuses on answering the question of whether Christian ideas had an impact on the subjective and territorial scope confugium ad ecclesias. After the Edict of Milan in the year 313, Christianity, being able to worship publicly, began to influence the consciousness of the inhabitants of the empire. The Church was conceived as an institution protecting the weak, persecuted and those in need. The right of asylum was also enriched with some Christian elements, especially mercy (misericordia), in relation to individuals entitled to benefit from asylum protection. The territorial extent is also expanded to include places belonging to temples, such as the bishop’s house, cemetery and monasteries. An important novelty was the validity of confugium ad ecclesias in every Christian temple because it was not the emperor’s decision that was in force of ius asylum and the sanctity of the place. However, imperial constitutions played a more important role in shaping the right of asylum in the 4th and 5th centuries than the synodal legislation.

Ключевые слова:

asylum, confugium ad ecclesias, Roman law, temples

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Świrgoń-Skok, R. (2019). Subjective and Territorial Scope of confugium ad ecclesias, and Christian Ideas. Журнал Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 195–211.

Renata Świrgoń-Skok 
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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