Towards the Ratification of the Revised European Social Charter: Poland vs the Standards of the Revised Charter Regarding the Protection of Employment Relationship

Agata Ludera-Ruszel

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland


This article concentrates on the evaluation of compliance of the Polish national labor law regulations with the standards of protection of the durability of employment relationship arising out of Article 24 of the Revised European Social Charter. This discussion was inspired by the issue of ratification of the Revised Charter by Poland that returned to the public discourse once again after its signature on 25 October, 2005. The adoption of the Revised Charter was connected with the pursuit of updating the Charter and adapting it to the changes occurring in the social and economic relationships. One of the “new” rights recognized in the Revised Charter is workers’ right to protection from dismissal without a valid reason, which – like the other rights provided for in the Charter – is regarded as a fundamental social right.


European Social Charter, Revised European Social Charter, protection against unjustified termination of employment

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Ludera-Ruszel, A. (2021). W kierunku ratyfikacji Zrewidowanej Europejskiej Karty Społecznej – Polska wobec standardów ZEKS w zakresie ochrony trwałości stosunku pracy. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 245–267.

Agata Ludera-Ruszel
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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