The legal structure of the instrument for withholding the driving license of a child-support debtor evading support obligations

Tomasz Kosicki

Instytut Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie , Poland


The purpose of the article is to characterize one of the most troublesome instruments to discipline child-support debtors evading maintenance obligations regulated in the Act of 7 September 2007 on assis­tance to persons entitled to maintenance which is driving license retention. It should be emphasized that this detention is in principle obligatory in the light of current regulations, which means that an authorized public administration body (staroste or president of a city with poviat rights) may not refuse to apply it if the conditions provided for in the above act are met. Therefore, the first part of the work discusses the substantive conditions for the maintenance debtor to obtain the status of a maintenance waiver. The next part of the article presents the reasons for withholding the driving license and administrative proceedings in this case. The conditions include the issuing by the competent authority a decision on the recognition of the maintenance debtor as evading his/ her maintenance obligations and its becoming final. These premises are examined by the authority after receipt of an application from the competent authority of the debtor to retain the driving license. The specificity of this administrative procedure (as a rule) prevents the debtor from taking additional evidence that may prevent the application of this sanction. The above statement confirms, among other things, that the decision issued in this case is a binding decision which this means that the authority may not issue any other administrative decision than on the retention of the driving license. The discussion will also cover the issue of extraordinary circumstanc­es arising in the course of proceedings for the suspension of the driving license which, in the light of Article 5 (6) of the cited act, would lead to the revocation of the decision to seize the driving license. An attempt is made to answer the question whether in such a situation the authority may issue a decision in the above case. In view of the ever-increasing number of maintenance debtors, as well as the ever-increasing number of children (cur­rently about one million) who are affected by the problem of non-maintenance, as well as the low collectability of maintenance obligations, the importance of the issue is not only of considerable theoretical value, but above all of practical matter.


alimony, alimony debtor, child-support debtor, maintenance obligations, non-alimony, driving license retention, evasion of alimony obligations

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Tomasz Kosicki
Instytut Nauk Prawnych Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie


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