Gloss to the judgment of the Supreme Court of 24 January 2019, IV KK 459/17

Anna Golonka

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski , Poland




The subject of this study are issues raised by the Supreme Court in the thesis of the judgment of 24/01/2019, as well as in its justification. They refer to impact that the diminishing of guilt limitation, and – as a consequence – on the penalty, as well, may have diminished abilities to recognise the meaning of an act or to control one’s behaviour, however in a lower than significant degree. In the context of the case under examination, it becomes all the more noteworthy as it refers to mental disturbances caused by the use of a narcotic substance (from the group of cannabinoids), resulting in the (lower than significant) diminished sanity. The judgment also raised the issue of the criminal law nature of the measure specified in Article 71 Sec. 1 of the Act of 29th of July 2005 on Counteracting Drug Addiction. Therefore, this issue has been also raised in this study.


diminished sanity, guilt limitation (degree of guilt), penalty, narcotic substances, addiction

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Golonka, A. (2021). Glosa do wyroku Sądu Najwyższego z dnia 24 stycznia 2019 r., IV KK 459/17. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 241–254.

Anna Golonka
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski


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