Transportation of exotic animals and multicentric legal systems on the example of regulations governing the transportation of tigers from Italy through the territory of Poland in 2019

Małgorzata Maria Lubelska-Sazanów

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach , Poland


The main aim of this publication is the evaluation of legal norms governing the transportation of exotic animals in the EU, specifically in reference to its enforcement and effectiveness in the EU countries mostly involved in the transportation of tigers in 2019, to which this text refers. The analysis of the presented legal and factual situation allows one to determine whether there is a legal loophole in the described case, as well as find legal solutions how to avoid such situations in the future. The considerations contained in the publication are based on EU regulations and directives as well as national regulations (with regard to the application of EU legislation by different EU Member countries, since there are also references to its application by Italian law authorities to the country in which the transport of tigers began). At the end follows a presentation of conclusions on how to ensure greater protection of exotic animals during their transportation (mainly transboundary).

The author shows that in the described case is no legal loophole, but only a misinterpretation and then application of EU law by the Italian and Polish state authorities, pointing to the basic threats to the welfare of wild animals during transport through EU countries. Firstly, there is no top-down control system at the EU level; secondly, the shortcomings of the TRACES system were highlighted; thirdly, it is very difficult to identify legal norms at the supranational level regarding exotic animals.


multicentric legal systems, primacy of EU law, exotic animals, transportation of endangered species, EU law, public international law, public law, veterinary law, tigers

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Małgorzata Maria Lubelska-Sazanów
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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