Selected support instruments for people with disabilities and their careers in the light of the latest changes

Anna Rogacka-Łukasik

Uniwersytet Humanistyczno - Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie , Poland


The aim of this publication is to present and analyze selected support instruments for people with disabilities. First of all, attention was paid to family benefits, such as care benefit, care allowance and special care allowance, especially in the context of indicating the increasing amount of these benefits in light of recent changes. Then, relatively new instruments to support people with disabilities were presented in the form of the Solidarity Fund, as well as a supplementary benefit for people incapable of living independently (the so-called „500+” for people with disabilities). By analyzing the indicated support instruments for people with disabilities, an attempt was made to formulate conclusions in the context of the assessment of actions taken by the Polish State, but also through the functions performed by the discussed services.


people with disabilities, social security, family benefits

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Anna Rogacka-Łukasik
Uniwersytet Humanistyczno - Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie


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