Validity of the nemo se ipsum accusare tenetur rule on the base of the new technical and legal solutions in automotive industry

Jakub Kret

Uniwersytet Jagielloński , Poland


In this paper, I shall analyze the relation between eCall in-vehicle system legal regulations and the nemo se ipsum accusare tenetur rule on the basis of a car accident from August 2019. In the first part, I describe the historical development of this rule and its role in domestic and European legal systems. Secondly, I analyze how the eCall in-vehicle system works, especially the way in which the emergency services are notified about accidents. Stressing incoherence between regulations on the eCall in-vehicle system and the nemo se ipsum accusare tenetur rule, I’m looking for a solution for this problem by an analogy to the legal prohibition from article 199 k.p.k. concerning the case of an intervening physician, who provides medical help to a suspect and the analysis of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. In the conclusion, I argue that actually taking as evidence any information from an eCall in-vehicle system could be inconsistent with the nemo se ipsum accusare tenetur rule, so I suggest legal amendments to change this normative regulation.


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Kret, J. (2020). Zakres obowiązywania zasady nemo se ipsum accusare tenetur na tle nowych rozwiązań technicznych i prawnych w motoryzacji. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 417–438.

Jakub Kret
Uniwersytet Jagielloński


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