Joanna Misztal-Konecka

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


This article commemorates the life and writings of Dr Kinga Stasiak (1981–2019), the prematurely deceased eminent scholar of public international law. It discusses her career path, associated with The John Paul II Catholic Uni­versity of Lublin, the formation and development of her research interests and involvement in the various fields of research, teaching, and personal activities. It highlights the fact that K. Stasiak’s academic achievement, apart from the mon­ograph Trybunały umiędzynarodowione w systemie międzynarodowego sądownict­wa karnego [Internationalized tribunals in the system of international criminal courts] (Lublin 2012), includes fourteen articles published in journals and collaborative works, five translations of source texts, and three small academic forms, as well as numerous encyclopaedic entries.

The article discusses the main areas of K. Stasiak’s inquiry, beginning with internationalized criminal tribunals, their scope of competence, the course of the proceedings before them, and their importance in the international arena. Ad­ditional fields include conditions for the permissibility of a humanitarian inter­vention, as well as international criminal law with special emphasis on the norms of international law defining the substantive and procedural aspects of liability for war crimes, crimes against peace and humanity, matters relating to the United Nation’s internal justice system, and human rights. It emphasizes her impeccable use of the written word and legal language, as well as an attitude of responsibility for theses formulated equally in her brief works as in more complex publications.

The article emphasizes Dr K. Stasiak’s extraordinary commitment to teach­ing, extensive conference participation and translation activities, as well as her self-sacrificing service to the Alma Mater. Nor can one forget her exceptional warmth as a person, diligence, and sense of duty, as well as broad horizons and open mind. Anyone who ever met Dr K. Stasiak will readily confirm that she was always there to help and treated others with respect and kindness.


dr Kinga Stasiak, public international law, internationalized tribunals, human rights

Kuźniar-Kwiatek D., [rec.:] Kinga Stasiak, Trybunały umiędzynarodowione w systemie międzynarodowego sadownictwa karnego, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2012, s. 324, Studia Prawnicze KUL 2013, nr 1.

Staszewski W.Sz., Szarek-Zwijacz A., In memoriam. Kinga Cecylia Stasiak. 1981–2019, Studia Prawnicze 2019, nr 2.

s.v. Stasiak Kinga, w: Encyklopedia 100-lecia KUL, t. 2, red. E. Gigilewicz, Lublin 2018.


Misztal-Konecka, J. (2020). Kinga Cecylia Stasiak (1981-2019). Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 11–29.

Joanna Misztal-Konecka
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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