Ks. Piotr Stanisz

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The present Italian system of the remuneration of the Catholic clergy, which is the consequence of the reform initiated by the 1984 Agreement modifying the Lateran Concordat, constitutes one of the most important attempts to im­plement Can. 1274 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law of 1983. However, not only the solutions of which it consists, but also the procedure of elaborating and en­acting these solutions – which is the subject of the present study – deserve careful attention. The process of the realisation of the reform under discussion appears to be an inspiring example of loyal and effective collaboration between the State and Church authorities in establishing norms that are valid in both legal orders, while expressly appreciating the role of the national Bishops’ Conference. What is especially noteworthy on the part of the Church are the procedural decisions that result from seeking balance between the due respect for the rights of indi­vidual diocesan bishops and the Plenary Assembly of the Bishops’ Conference on the one hand, and the need to act efficiently on the other (sometimes according to the rules established at hoc, with no apparent basis in the norms of the Code of Canon Law). The open explanation of the decisions made by the Church author­ities to all interested subjects played an important role as well. The conducted analyses lead to the conclusion that all the factors mentioned above were ade­quately balanced. As a consequence, the solutions used in Italy can constitute a useful point of reference for similar processes undertaken in other countries.


remuneration of the clergy, Church financing, Italian Concordat of 1984, Bishops’ Conference

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Ks. Piotr Stanisz
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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