Anna Przyborowska-Klimczak

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie , Poland


Poland belonged to the original members of the League of Nations, organ­ization that began its activity a hundred years ago – in 1920. The legal basis for the organization’s functioning was the Covenant of the League of Nations, in­corporated into peace treaties concluded after the First World War. To a recently reborn Polish state aspiring to shape its relations in the international community, the membership in this organization was of great importance. Poland was the first state to establish the permanent delegation to the League of Nations. Polish rep­resentatives participated in the works of the main League’s bodies: the Assembly and the Council. Poland sought to obtain a permanent seat in the Council, while it was a semi-permanent member there. Poland was also a state that often partic­ipated in proceedings before the Permanent Court of International Justice. How­ever, in the 1930s, due to organization’s ineffectiveness in preventing the interna­tional conflicts and resolving international disputes, has grown disappointment with the activities of the League of Nations among the Polish diplomacy.


the League of Nations, Covenant of the League of Nations, international organization, membership, bodies of the League of Nations, permanent delegation

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Przyborowska-Klimczak, A. (2020). Członkostwo Polski w Lidze Narodów – aspekty prawne. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 235–254. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.11754

Anna Przyborowska-Klimczak  aprzyborowska@poczta.umcs.lublin.pl
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9670-4103


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