Contemporary problems of the penitentiary system from the perspective of Prison Guard officers

Bartosz Zając

University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn , Poland


The following article discusses issues concerning the contemporary penitentiary system in Poland. It is based on the author’s research conducted in two penitentiary facilities placed in different administrative districts – prison in Barczewo (district of Olsztyn) and prison in Przytuły Stare (district of Białystok). The research aimed to point out the main difficulties associated with the prison service in Poland along with their character and intensity. These divisions led to the definition of a catalogue of problems that vary in nature, among which, the most important ones are staff shortages and the resulting necessity to work overtime, low earnings of Prison Guard officers and difficulties caused by specificity of working with inmates. In summary, there are 26 factors that potentially influence the quality of service in prison. Most of the problems were indicated by prison guards who are the most numerous of all officers working in the penitentiary facilities in Poland.


prison service, penitentiary system, penitentiary, officers, prison systems, organisation pathologies

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Zając, B. (2022). Współczesne problemy więziennictwa z perspektywy funkcjonariuszy Służby Więziennej. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 245–268.

Bartosz Zając
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


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