The issue of disclosing the cooperative ownership right for which the land and mortgage register is kept by a notary public in the claim for certificate of succession and notification of the entitled person of the change

Karol Ryszkowski

Cracow University of Economics , Poland


The cooperative ownership right is a limited right in rem, similar in content to the right to separate ownership of the premises, i.e. property. This article aims to answer questions of a practical nature, which only seem to be an academic issue (due to the current inadmissibility of establishing the cooperative ownership right) – is it possible to disclose the cooperative ownership right by a notary public in the claim for certificate of succession if there is a land and mortgage register for such a right and is it possible to notify the competent land and mortgage register court of a change of the holder based on a deed of succession certification? The current legal regulation on this matter may raise doubts in practice, and there is generally a lack of doctrinal statements on the subject. This article aims to remove any potential doubts, also by indicating de lege ferenda postulates, which are intended to standardise practice and ensure legal certainty in this subject.


claim for certificate of succession deed of succession certification, notarial deed, cooperative ownership right, land and mortgage register, perpetual usufruct

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Ryszkowski, K. (2022). Kwestia ujawniania spółdzielczego własnościowego prawa do lokalu, dla którego jest prowadzona księga wieczysta przez notariusza w protokole dziedziczenia oraz zawiadomienie o zmianie uprawnionego. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 93–104.

Karol Ryszkowski
Cracow University of Economics


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