Exclusion of a judge in Polish civil trial in comparison to the European standards on the right to fair trial

Małgorzata Sekuła-Leleno

Uczelnia Łazarskiego , Poland


The institution of excluding a judge from the legal dispute should be regarded as a guarantee of the impartiality of the court. A party’s motion may relate only to a member of the bench adjudicating in a given case. Theoretically, it is possible to file a motion for exclusion of all the judges of the bench. However, in order to achieve that the individual motions in regard to every judge must be argued sep­arately. It is unacceptable to abuse the institution of judge exclusion by the judge himself or by the parties to the trial.


exclusion of a judge, right to fair trial, fair trial, abuse of procedural law

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Sekuła-Leleno, M. (2021). Wyłączenie sędziego w polskim procesie cywilnym na tle europejskich standardów prawa do sądu. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 311–344. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.12241

Małgorzata Sekuła-Leleno  m.sekula-leleno@sn.pl
Uczelnia Łazarskiego https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5015-9018


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