Remarks on the law and custom in the civil law system

Dominik Damian Mielewczyk

University of Gdańsk , Poland


The Article discusses the conceptual scopes of custom and law, including customary law and soft law, as well as their holistic approach to the functioning of the state in the civil law system. The work has been focused not only on the theory and philosophy of law, but also on the achievements of sociological sciences. The Author is looking for an universalistic approach to the phenomena in question resulting from the analysis, which are characterized by researchers taking divergent positions in the literature on the following subject. It shows that their systematic meaning and definition result from the existence and recognition by the legal system of certain law-making facts and the existence of a coherent regulation adapted to modern needs. It is the essential role and interest of the legislator to properly validate legal norms allowing for the coherence of the legal order, including the definition of a closed catalogue of the sources of law. The following work provides the necessary conclusions and systemic insights, which constitute the postulates for the future regulatory structure.


custom, customary law, social norms, law-making facts, soft law, validation of legal norms, universal approach, theory of law, philosophy of law, sociological sciences

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Dominik Damian Mielewczyk
University of Gdańsk


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