Selected aspects of document forgery in the context of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland

Dorota Semków

University of Rzeszów , Poland


One of the tasks of the state specified in Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 2 April 1997 is to ensure security of its citizens. The aim of the study is to show a relationship between crimes against document credibility listed in Chapter XIX of the Penal Code and the security of citizens. The main con­clusion resulting from the analysis of the selected topic was that forgery of travel documents is a significant factor threatening citizen safety. The above results from the fact that documents very often serve as both an object and a tool in many crimes. Therefore, they constitute an activity of a preparatory nature before commit­ting further criminal acts, as well as a way of hiding traces of other crimes. It should be emphasized that the use of false documents, and thus their introduction into legal circulation, means that a person illegally using such documents legally acquires many rights.


Article 5 of the Polish Constitution, security of citizens, crimes against the document credibility, forgery of travel document

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Semków, D. (2022). Selected aspects of document forgery in the context of Article 5 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 121–135.

Dorota Semków
University of Rzeszów


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