Claim for fair compensation for the use of an orphan work

Grzegorz Tylec

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


Article 358 paragraph 5 of the Polish Copyright and Related Rights Act introduced by the Act of 11 September 2015, amending the Copyright and Related Rights Act and the Gambling Act, implementing the Directive of the European Parliament and the Council 2012/28/UE to the Polish legal order uses of orphan works, created a claim unknown to Polish civil law for the “payment of fair compensation for the use of the work”. The entity that may raise this claim is the copyright holder, whose work was exploited as orphan works (articles 35–359 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act). In this article, the claim for payment of fair compen­sation for the use of the work was analyzed. Seeking an answer to the question of how to estimate the value of this claim was presented in the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 21 October 2010 in the SGAE v Padawan case. The conclusion of the article proposes a method of determining the value of the claim, and the payment of fair compensation for the use of the work



copyright, orphan work, fair compensation, claim

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Grzegorz Tylec 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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