Legal assessment of statements dehumanizing people in the pre-natal phase of development in the context of demands concerning the legalization of abortion in Poland

Filip Mateusz Ciepły

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


This article focuses on the legal assessment of statements dehumanizing people in the pre-natal phase of development in the context of the postulates of legalizing abortion in Poland. The order of the presented issues is as follows: 1) characteristics of the phenomenon of dehumanization, based on the achievements of social sciences; 2) recalling examples of statements of pro-abortion groups that can be considered dehumanizing in the pre-natal phase; 3) legal assessment of these statements, in particular from the perspective of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.


dehumanization, abortion, legal protection of life, legal exclusion, women’s rights

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Filip Mateusz Ciepły
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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