Children’s rights to express their views and parents’ rights to raise their children in conformity with their own convictions – international legal conditions

Agata Małgorzata Szwed

University of Szczecin , Poland

Ewelina Cała-Wacinkiewicz

University of Szczecin , Poland


The aim of this paper is to analyze the relationship between the right of children to express their own views and the right of parents to raise their children in accordance with their own convictions from an international legal perspective. The analysis and interpretation of international texts in the field of international human rights law will enable the realisation of the aim of the paper, as both rights included in the title constitute an immutable part of the catalogue of fundamental human rights. The research carried out will make it possible to determine the truthfulness of the research hypothesis, according to which the determination of the relation between the two title rights is in each case of an individualised and discretionary character and results from social rather than legal factors, taking into consideration the guarantees resulting from legal and human rights acts.


children’s rights, right to one's own opinion, parents’ right to bring up their children, human rights

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Szwed, A. M., & Cała-Wacinkiewicz, E. (2022). Prawa dzieci do wyrażania własnych poglądów a prawa rodziców do wychowywania dzieci zgodnie z własnymi przekonaniami – uwarunkowania prawnomiędzynarodowe. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 111–124.

Agata Małgorzata Szwed
University of Szczecin
Ewelina Cała-Wacinkiewicz 
University of Szczecin


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