The right of the faithful to express their needs and wishes before the pastors of the Church (Can. 212 § 2 CIC)

Jerzy Adamczyk

Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Radomiu , Poland


The subject of this article is the rights of the faithful of the Catholic Church to express their needs and wishes to their pastors. These give rise to a legal obligation on the part of the pastors to respond to the petition. All the faithful have the right to petition: the clergy and the laity. The first part of the article shows the sources of the right of the faithful to petition, which are the documents of the Second Vatican Council. The second part presents the subject and the addressees of the right of petition, while the third part is devoted to the issue of the way in which the petition is expressed and the scope of its content.


right, faithful, needs, wishes, pastors

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Adamczyk, J. (2023). Prawo wiernych do wyrażania wobec pasterzy Kościoła swoich potrzeb i życzeń (kan. 212 § 2 KPK). Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 7–22.

Jerzy Adamczyk
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Radomiu


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