The category of ‘Christian values’ in Polish judicial decisions

Grzegorz Maroń

University of Rzeszów , Poland


The article discusses the problem of direct references to Christian values in justifications of Polish court decisions. The aim of the study was to reconstruct the use of this category of values in judicial argumen­tation. The research objective has been pursued by means of a qualitative study of the texts of judgments and orders of domestic courts collected in the LEX Legal Information System database. The analysis of judicial deci­sions has led to several main conclusions. Firstly, the reduction of Christian values to universal ethical principles by the Constitutional Tribunal was criticised. Secondly, the opinion has been expressed that the achievement of explanatory and persuasive objectives of judicial decisions requires courts to make Christian values more precise. Thirdly, the stated unwillingness of Polish courts to make more explicit reference to Christian values in judgments and decisions stands in contrast to the fact that these values still significantly mark the axiology of the Polish legal order, despite the ongoing secularisation processes



Christian values, courts, justifications for judicial decisions, axiology of the legal order, Constitutional Tribunal

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Maroń, G. (2023). Kategoria „wartości chrześcijańskich” w polskim orzecznictwie. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (1), 79–97.

Grzegorz Maroń
University of Rzeszów


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