The legal institution of the supply chain in the "Offshore Wind Act"

Paweł Laskowski

Wschodnioeuropejska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Białymstoku , Poland


The article presents the research process, the cognitive objective of which concerned the detailed regulations interpreted based on the provisions of the Act of 17 December 2020 on the promotion of electricity generation in offshore wind farms, Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2021 item 234, 784, 1093, 1642. The need to conduct the research resulted from the normalization by the legislator, for the first time in such a broad scope, of offshore issues in the Polish legal system, as well as the possibility of developing renewable energy sources on an unprecedented scale of installed power. The main research area was public economic law. The key research issue is included in the following question: What is the juridical outcome of the introduction of an issue from the discipline of management sciences, which is the supply chain, into the Act of 17 December 2020 on the promotion of electricity generation in offshore wind farms? A formal analysis of legal institutions was used as a method in the research process. The research led to the extraction of the supply chain as a legal institution from the act, its extensive description and categorisation.


energy law, offshore wind farms, formal analysis of legal institutions, supply chain

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Laskowski, P. (2023). Instytucja prawna łańcucha dostaw w ustawie "offshore". Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 111–129.

Paweł Laskowski
Wschodnioeuropejska Akademia Nauk Stosowanych w Białymstoku


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