The offence of active assault on the President of the Republic of Poland in the Criminal Code of 1997

Krzysztof Dąbkowski

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The purpose of this article is to present the criminal law protection of the President of the Republic of Poland against conduct with features of active assault. The study of this problem was prompted by its relatively non-exhaustive coverage in the existing literature. The text presents the rationale which led the legislator to ex­tend such protection to the Head of the Polish State. The paper also includes a relatively complete overview of the structure of the offence penalised in Article 135 § 1 of the Criminal Code. For the purpose of the considerations, a dogmatic-legal method was used. Based on the findings, it was concluded that out of all public officials, the Polish legislator grants the widest scope of protection against active assault to the President. The continued existence of this regulation, in spite of the few contesting positions, should be regarded as desirable. It is also worth emphasis­ing that it protects not so much the very person holding the presidential office, as upholds the dignity and majesty of the Republic of Poland whose supreme representative is, according to the Constitution, the President. These are arguments should serve to justify further penalisation of this offence in Polish criminal law.


substantive criminal law, President of the Republic of Poland, criminal law protection of the President of the Republic of Poland, active assault, offences against the Republic of Poland

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Krzysztof Dąbkowski
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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