Agricultural Producers Cooperatives in the years 1920–2022 – selected legal issues

Aneta Suchoń

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań , Poland


Firstly, this article aims to outline the development of cooperatives of agricultural producers from 1920 to 2022 and assess the factors that influenced it. Secondly, it seeks to determine whether and to what extent the legislation supported the development of agricultural cooperatives and consider potential directions of their development after 2022. The scope outlined for consideration is extensive; therefore, this article only addresses selected issues. The primary research method was the dogmatic analysis of normative texts. The arti­cle’s topic also references the historical method and statistical data. In summary, the author shows that, among other things, cooperatives in the interwar period after 1920 developed on many levels, particularly in terms of legislation, research and publication, and practice. If it had not been for the socialist period, many cooperatives of agricultural producers from the interwar period would still be operating. For several years, the Polish legisla­tor has been trying to revive cooperatives and encourage agricultural producers to establish them. Examples include the passing of the Act on farmers’ cooperatives and legal regulations concerning energy cooperatives.


cooperative, agricultural producers, agricultural cooperative, cooperative movement, cooperative groups of agricultural producers, agricultural producer organisations, agricultural production cooperatives

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Suchoń, A. (2022). Agricultural Producers Cooperatives in the years 1920–2022 – selected legal issues. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 65–83.

Aneta Suchoń
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań


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