Epistula imperatoris Hadriani ad Gerusiam Ephesiorum Emperor Hadrian’s letter to the Gerousia of the Ephesians of 27 September 120 AD Text, translation, annotation

Konrad Tadajczyk

University of Łódź , Poland


Emperor Hadrian, like other principes, supported the functioning of the old Greek institutions, such as the gerousia, their rules of operation and their powers. The translated letter contains the resolution issued by Hadrian regarding the dispute of the Ephesian gerousia with certain citizens of Ephesus. The letter is annotated.

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Tadajczyk, K. (2022). Epistula imperatoris Hadriani ad Gerusiam Ephesiorum. List cesarza Hadriana do geruzji Efezjan z 27 września 120 r. po Chr. Tekst, tłumaczenie, komentarz. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 135–143. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.13752


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