Public commercial law and private law rules and values. Remarks in the light of the observable ‘privatization’ of public law

Grzegorz Klich

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business , Poland


Public commercial law is a branch of law regulating the influence of the state and its bodies on economic and commercial processes. It is traditionally considered to be a component of a broader, more complex discipline – commercial law. Currently we can observe with an increasing frequency that private law regulations are being applied by the legislator, also within the framework of the regulations traditionally considered as a part of public commercial law. However, this practice may cause certain difficulties and setbacks, also in relation to the internal axiological consistency of the discussed law discipline.


privatization of public law, values in law and economics, public commercial law

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Klich, G. (2023). Prawo gospodarcze publiczne a normy i wartości prywatnoprawne. Uwagi na kanwie obserwowanej „prywatyzacji” prawa publicznego. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 59–70.

Grzegorz Klich
Wroclaw University of Economics and Business


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