The axiological foundations of the economic order in the context of the essential values

Marian Zdyb

University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska , Poland


This paper concerns the issues covered under the problem of “The axiological foundations of the economic order in the context of the essential values.” Undoubtedly development of the market economy and realization of the economic freedom are a crucial reference point for the process of development of said foundations. However, we should bear in mind that in this field the classical concept of the order is an over­simplification. Therefore it is justified to approach this concept in the perspective of the idea of its three-level implementation and identifying the basic values laid at its foundation. My primary goal is to justify the thesis proclaiming that the issue of developing axiological foundations for the economic order should be perceived through the lens of the values which are justified not solely by their positive-legal legitimization (common good, human dignity) but also the values which shape the fundamental values expressed in the constitution of the Republic of Poland and the principles derived from them. In the latter case the issue concerns e.g. the rights, freedoms, values and principles other then the economic freedom (certainty of law, protection of acquired rights, protection of competition, righteousness of will of the legislator and the bodies implementing the law, authority of the state and the law etc.). This, in turn, gives birth to a number of challenges and axiological di­lemmas – not only related to economy but to law and ethics as well. Therefore it appears justified to properly identify the basic normative pillars and the values covered under the context of the effective and binding law and the potential threats to the axiological foundations of the public commercial law. Therefore it is relevant to turn our attention to the issues of inflation of law, certainty of normative solutions, protection of acquired rights and fully developing expectations towards the legal security and excessive relativisation of the basic principles which determine the essence of legal order. Developing authority of the state and law as well as developing the ethos of public service are significant for the axiological aspects of the economic order. The paper utilizes the dogmatic method and other auxiliary methods as needed.


axiological foundations of the economic order, key values, inflation of law, legal security, dis-functionality of legal order

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Marian Zdyb
University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska


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