Istanbul Convention and the sex and number of spouses

Tomasz Barszcz

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


In the paper, I argue that the concept of marriage contained in the Istanbul Convention does not include the resolution of the number of people in a marriage and the sex of the spouses. In pursuing this objec­tive, I first examine the text of the Convention from the perspective of basic principles of legal interpretation, decoding the attributes of marriage expressis verbis contained in the text of the Convention. Next, engaging circumstances external to the text, I substantiate the theses: (1) polygamy is excluded from the concept of marriage encoded in the Convention; (2) the Convention includes a concept of marriage from which unions between persons of the same sex are excluded; and (3) the Convention’s concept of marriage denotes polyg­amous or homosexual relationships. I then assess theses (1), (2) and 3) and their substantiations in accordance with standards of correct legal interpretation.



Istanbul Convention, homosexual partnership, polygamous partnership, marriage

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Tomasz Barszcz
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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