Evolution of the institution of incardination from the Council of Trent to the Second Vatican Council

Wojciech Wąsik

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The subject of this article is the development of the institution of incardination in the period from the Council of Trent to the Second Vatican Council. The author, by conducting historical and legal analyses of the norms of incardination, sought to show how this institution has evolved from a strictly disciplinary one, an instrument of supervision and control over clergy, to an institution in the service of building the priestly com­munity. Whereas the norms of Trent, until the 1917 Code, treated incardination merely as a legal obligation to assign clergy to a diocese and to their own bishop, Vatican II laid the foundations of the modern model of this institution, taking into account not only legal but also priestly rationales, the better distribution of presbyters in the new ecclesiastical structures and the possibility of carrying out apostolic tasks. It also moved away from the feudal system of benefices as a title to receive ordination.


incardination, sacrament of holy orders, clergy

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Wąsik, W. . (2024). Ewolucja instytucji inkardynacji od Soboru Trydenckiego do Soboru Watykańskiego II. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 163–177. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.15319

Wojciech Wąsik  wwasik@kielce.opoka.org.pl
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9443-3429


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