Theoretical implications of the argument from authority

Przemysław Michowicz

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The popularity of referring to authorities, both in doctrine and case law, makes it appear as an almost routine activity for many. The obviousness of the widespread use of the argument from authority in legal discourse and interpretive argumentation prompts a theoretical search for the rationale for invoking the statements of entities generally recognised as authority and the grounds for its application. These considerations therefore focus on an analysis of the general assumptions of this form of argumentation, which continues to attract the interest of the doctrine and legal theoreticians despite its potential logical flaw and questionable persuasive ineffectiveness. In the context of general analyses of argumentative techniques used especially in legal discourse, particular attention will be paid to the mechanism of the ex auctoritate argument in relation to doctrine and case law.


legal interpretation, legal argumentation, practical logic, interpretative directives, argument from authority

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Przemysław Michowicz
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II


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