Conflict between freedom of expression and freedom of religion. The ECHR case of Rabczewska v. Poland , 8257/13. An approving commentary

Michał Zawiślak

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The ECHR statement that the domestic courts did not assess whether the applicant’s statements had been capable of arousing legitimate indignation or whether they were of a nature to incite to hatred or otherwise disturb religious peace and tolerance in Poland is of key importance considering the judgment under review. ECHR rightly ruled that a religious group must tolerate the denial by others of their religious be­liefs and even the propagation by others of doctrines hostile to their faith, as long as the statements in question do not incite to hatred or religious intolerance. In the absence of a legal definition, it is difficult to assess the social harmfulness of an act. The Court has recognised the issue that has existed for years in Polish criminal law – that the protection of religious feelings is ineffective and inadequate to the degree of the insulting nature of the criminal act. Poland violated Article 10 of the Convention, as the national courts failed to make a fair assessment of the social harmfulness of the act.


blasphemy, religious feelings, freedom of speech, religious freedom, freedom of expression

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Zawiślak, M. . (2023). Konflikt między wolnością słowa a wolnością religijną. Sprawa Rabczewska v. Polska, skarga nr 8257/13. Glosa aprobująca. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 217–229.

Michał Zawiślak
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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