Functions of the justification of a Voivodeship Administrative Court judgment – commentary to the Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 25 June 2021, II GSK 1273/18

Andrzej Krasuski

Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa , Poland


The purpose of the comment to the judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 25 June 2021, II GSK 1273/18, is to present a legal reflection on the manner of interpreting Article 141 (4) of the Law on Pro­ceedings before Administrative Courts, in the light of the formal-dogmatic method and from the perspective of the function performed by the justification of administrative court judgment. In the judgment commented upon, the Supreme Administrative Court recognised an objection against a cassation decision based on a vi­olation of Article 141 (4) of the Law on Proceedings before Administrative Courts, to the extent that it could have a significant impact on the outcome of the case, as independent cassation grounds leading to the admis­sion of appeals in cassation. Objections were brought against a cassation judgment, which dealt with appeals against decisions to refuse to cancel the tender for frequencies in the 1800 MHz band, which were of significant importance for the situation of competition in the market for telecommunications service provision in mobile networks. The dogmatic analysis also concerns the assessment of the application of the law by the court of first instance, including Article 141 (4) of the Law on Proceedings before Administrative Courts, in the context of the theses contained in the judgment commented upon. The analysis presented led to the formulation of remarks on these theses in the context of the interpretation of Article 141 (4) of the said Act and taking into account the fact that the court of first instance is bound by this interpretation pursuant to Article 190 of the Law on Proceedings before Administrative Courts.


justification, judgment, frequencies, President of the Office of Electronic Communications, dismissal of appeal, stability of persuasive authority of court decisions, cassation review

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Andrzej Krasuski
Jan Dlugosz University in Częstochowa


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