Colleagues with rules. Censorship and the principles of holding office in Republican Rome

Anna Tarwacka

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw , Poland


The article discusses the principles of holding office of censor. Even though it seems that such principles were respected, there were some deviations from the general rules due to the peculiarities of this magistracy. Particularly strong was the principle of collegiality, allowing colleagues in office to block each other and preventing them from acting alone against the will of the other censor.


Roman Republic, censorship, censores, Republican magistrates, Roman law, collegiality

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Tarwacka, A. (2024). Colleagues with rules. Censorship and the principles of holding office in Republican Rome. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 147–162.

Anna Tarwacka
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw


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