Regarding the concept of honest advertising in the media, proposed in the teaching of John Paul II

Mariusz Grabowski

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego , Poland


In the teaching of John Paul II there are suggested solutions relating to advertising in the media. Some are suitable to be directly included into Polish law, while others require "only" be translated to the correct Polish legal system legislative language.  Certainly, we have to deal with ready-made solutions that should be placed in  codes of ethic. The arguments contained in the teaching of John Paul II refers to the natural concepts of human good and the common good. Therefore the recommendations for advertising have a universal character. In Poland, the legal regulation concerning the promotion in broadcasting essentially corresponds to the demands of the Papal teaching on the honesty of advertising. It seems that the deficiencies in terms of the  honesty of advertising rather  apply to practice the application of the law. Visible is the lack of proper regulation in relation to promotion in printed press and electronic media, which are not subject to the regime of the law on broadcasting. There should be  changes to regulation of the promotion in all media.  This applies to the above lack of in this regulation. In addition, there is a need for changes leading to the adequate protection of the dignity of women, the rights of parents, independence of the media and political promotion, including electoral advertising.


promotion, advertising, sponsoring, product placement, broadcasting

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Mariusz Grabowski
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego


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