Private discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in civil-law relationships. Perspective of the European Court of Human Rights

Łukasz Mirocha


The paper is devoted to the question of private discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in civil-law relationships. Recent judgement of District Court in Łódź regarding the question of refusal to print posters for foundation acting in favour of LGBT society is treated as starting point. The problem is analysed from the perspective of the case-law of European Court of Human Rights. The author explains how is it possible, that ECHR manage with civil-law disputes although human rights in classical form concerned citizen-state relations. The argumentation for thesis that prohibition of private discrimination could be limited in civil-law relationships due to religious freedom is supported by examples from case-law of US Supreme Court.


private discrimination, horizontal effect of human rights, homosexuality, Drittwirkung, European Court of Human Rights, religious freedom

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Łukasz Mirocha 


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