Combining work with child care in the light of labour laws

Katarzyna Majchrzak

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego , Poland


The article presents the possibility of combination of leaves connected with parenthood with performance of work. The primary objective of leaves connected with parenthood is providing care and upbringing to children. However, bearing in mind such elements as the Polish employment market and financial position of the parents, the legislator has provided with parent employees with possibility to combine child care with work. An employee on parental leave can undertake work at the enterprise of the employer who awarded the said leave as well as for another employer or undertake a different activity, also education or training. It is important that the undertaken work or other activity cannot exclude the possibility of obtaining the objective of the provided leave, i.e. taking care over the child.


labour law, parental rights, parental leaves

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Katarzyna Majchrzak
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego


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