Hunting rights – unnamed institution of Polish hunting law

Witold Daniłowicz


The present article deals with hunting rights understood as a subjective right to hunt on a given territory. It is the thesis of the present study that even though not named, hunting rights, as a legal institution, exist in Polish hunting law currently in force. This is evidenced by the fact that certain of its other institutions, in particular hunting preserve and hunting lease, rely upon this concept and cannot be properly understood without it. The present analysis tests the premise that hunting rights are real rights (iura in rem). Although they are not included in the list of the real rights mentioned in the Civil Code, they nevertheless have the characteristics of real rights. As hunting rights have the characteristics of real rights, but cannot be treated as such for the formal reason indicated above, it is proposed that they be considered quasi rights.


hunting law;, hunting rights;, real rights;, hunting area;, hunting lease;, ownership of game

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Witold Daniłowicz 


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