The right of a child - patient to give a consent for a healthcare service

Agnieszka Wołoszyn - Cichocka

Maria Curie-Sklodowska University , Poland


A right to give a consent for a healthcare service is one of the most critical patients’ rights, but yet in relation to children it is limited. The principle is that the minor patient who turned 16 agrees for medical activities together with it’s legally designated representative; whereas for a patient who did not turn 16 decides exclusively the representative itself. For certain medical services Polish legislator introduced other rules. Differently regulated are rules concerning giving a consent by minor patients for participation in a medical experiment, for collection of the cells, tissues and organs for the purpose of transplantation, for taking blood or for a psychiatric examination. Excessive casuistry in accordance with the consent of a minor patient for a healthcare service undoubtedly make it’s understanding and applying more difficult.


informed consent, minor patient, healthcare service

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Agnieszka Wołoszyn - Cichocka 
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University


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