Droit Moral, that has nothing to do with morality, ie copyright laws personal french law

Katarzyna Arciszewska

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań , Poland

Agnieszka Wojcieszak

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań , Poland


France is considered the cradle of the creation of copyright in the Continental legal system. At the time of the French Revolution, you can find the origins of the concept of ideological actions for safeguarding the interests of non makers. A significant role in shaping the legal regulations for safeguarding copyright law played. The necessity of resolving disputes relating to the protection of copyright non-property rights in the absence of normative basis for the settlement of these disputes has become a cause for the creation of legal regulations in this regard. Currently normative source govern the protection of copyright non-property rights in France is mainly the Intellectual Property Code and to some extent also the civil code. Based on the analysis mentioned in the previous sentence can be set to formulate a general conclusion that the basis for the author’s personal rights to a French law recognizing the integrity of the person the creator and his work. French legislature in the content of the Intellectual Property Code is typical for copyright and legal tools to protect those rights. Special protection French law subjects the right to preserve the integrity of the work and the right to disclose the work on which leans author of this study.


copyright non-property rights, Intellectual Property Code, preserve the integrity, creator, the author’s personal rights

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Arciszewska, K., & Wojcieszak, A. (2016). Droit Moral, które nie ma nic wspólnego z moralnością, czyli o autorskich prawach osobistych w systemie prawa francuskiego. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 139–157. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.4885

Katarzyna Arciszewska 
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Agnieszka Wojcieszak 
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań


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