Gloss on Supreme Court resolution of 13 May 2015, III CZP 19/15, LEX 1679823

Agnieszka Ogrodnik-Kalita

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The subject of the gloss is Supreme Court’s Resolution of 13 May 2015 (III CZP 19/15). According to the resolution: “a legal representative of a minor may grant a power of attorney to submit a declaration of consent provided for in art. 34.3 of Medical Professions Act of 5 December 1996 (consolidated text: Dz. U. of 2015 item 464)”. The Supreme Court declared absolutely inadmissible power of attorney to carry out parental authority. The Author is of the opinion that the presented resolution is to be approved. The Author analyses several specific issues, which were omitted by the Supreme Court, like requirements to be met by attorney or qualification of the power of attorney to important matters. According to the author power of attorney to submit a declaration of consent should be applied in completely exceptional situations, under taking into account objections arising from civil and medical law.


constent, medical treatment, parents, parental authority, power of attorney

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Ogrodnik-Kalita, A. (2016). Glosa do uchwały Sądu Najwyższego z 13 maja 2015 r., III CZP 19/15, LEX nr 1679823. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (4), 159–172.

Agnieszka Ogrodnik-Kalita 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin


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