References to the Saint Mary in the Polish law

Grzegorz Maroń

The University of Rzeszów , Poland


Polish Marian devotion is reflected in the Polish law. Literal references to Saint Mary are contained in legal acts of public authorities, as well as acts enacted by local government bodies. These acts occupy different places in the system of sources of law. Most of them does not raise a constitutional objection, the legality of others is a debatable issue (eg. City council resolution expressing the will of Mary’s patronage on the city), and a few are contrary to the principle of religious, ideological and philosophical impartiality of the public authorities. Symbolic dimension of legal references to Mary – eg. Mary’s images in the municipal coats of arms or Mary’s name used in public streets names – demonstrates responsiveness of the Polish legal order to religious beliefs of some citizens, while not denying the paradigm of the separation of church and state, and without prejudice to the rights and freedoms of other people.


Mary, law, the Polish legal order

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Grzegorz Maroń 
The University of Rzeszów


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