The child as a witness - different countries, different regulations

Ewelina Bachera

University of Silesia in Katowice , Poland

Hanna Chmielewska

University of Silesia in Katowice , Poland


All countries need to ensure that their laws are regulated in a way that promotes the interests of the child, because the welfare of the child must always take priority. There is no doubts that being a witness can be stressful – some children can find it stressful. The aim of this article is  to present the regulations in different countries: Poland, Japan, Malaysia, RSA, Kenya, New Zealand, Jamaica, Tuvalu, United States of America. What is important, legislators should look at this issue in a sensitive and proper manner.


: best interest of the child, testimony, regulations in different countries

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Ewelina Bachera 
University of Silesia in Katowice
Hanna Chmielewska 
University of Silesia in Katowice


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