Transactions which the patrimonial condition of the juridical person may be jeopardised (can. 1295)

Paweł Kaleta

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


This paper concerns the transactions which may jeopardise the patrimonial condition of the juridical person. The Author addresses the legal meaning of can. 1295 and practical examples of applying can. 1295. The content of the study shows the historical development of can. 1295, its meaning and the practical application of this norm.

Can.1295 the 1983 Code has its predecessor in can. 1533 CIC/1917. The 1983 Code does not provide an enumerative list of types of acts which should be applied in accordance with can. 1295 but it does state, that the statutes of the juridical person are to conform to the requirements of can. 1291-1294.

In Poland for example, parishes do not have their own statutes, but they use the statutes of the diocesan synod. For that reason, the postulate de lege ferenda should be applied in order for parishes have their own statutes, by which the requirements of can. 1291-1294 will be observed. It should be added, that the idea of Coetus for the statutes – referred to in can. 1295 – is to be understood in the sense of canon law and consequently recognised by civil law. The aim of this change is to avoid serious mismanagement: when transaction is civilly valid but canonically invalid.

In canon literature, the examples of transactions which may jeopardise condition patrimonium are defined by the following acts: borrowing money; taking out certain mortgages or pledging valuable items as collateral to secure the repayment of a loan; entering into long-term leases; change of status in ownership such as turning over certain property or work to lay management boards; making investments financed by EU projects. These are purely examples of legal acts, as the formulation of a complete list may lead to confusion, as it depends upon the potential impact on the patrimony of the ecclesiastical juridical person.


transactions, contracts, allienation, administration of eclesiastical goods

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Kaleta, P. (2016). Transakcje, które mogą pogorszyć stan majątkowy Kościelnej osoby prawnej (kan. 1295). Studia Prawnicze KUL, (2), 63–80.

Paweł Kaleta 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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