Proportion clause in property insurance contract. Gloss to the decision of the Supreme Court of 28 May 2019, II CSK 454/18

Grzegorz Jerzy Wolak

Sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Tarnobrzegu, I Wydział Cywilny , Poland


The glossed decision of the Supreme Court of 28 May 2019, II CSK 454/18 concerns the issue of the admissibility of constructing the proportional liability structure of the insurer in property insurance. The au­thor fully approved the opinion of the Supreme Court on the admissibility, in principle, of applying the propor­tion clause (rule) in such insurance, as well as the thesis of this decree, according to which the clauses contained in general insurance conditions which introduce the possibility of a two-fold reduction in the amount of com­pensation, first to the level of the sum insured, and then proportionally to the undervaluation of the total value of the items insured, are invalid.



property insurance, proportion clause, insurance principle, insurable value, underinsurance, compensation

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Grzegorz Jerzy Wolak
Sędzia Sądu Okręgowego w Tarnobrzegu, I Wydział Cywilny


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