Double registration of borderline products

Damian Rafał Kaczan

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu , Poland


Consumers make prudent and informed decisions regarding market behaviour only if they have sufficient knowledge of the subjects of the transactions. This is particularly important in situations where they make choices related to his or her health. These include deciding whether a medicinal product, dietary supplement, cosmetic, medical device or other article meets their needs. The mechanisms of their impact on the human body differ significantly. Therefore, consumers’ awareness of the legal status of individual prepara­tions should be as high as possible. This article presents dogmatic, comparative, axiological and sociological analyses of Polish and EU law in the context of ensuring the transparency of the borderline products market, endangered by the practice of double registration of goods similar to medicinal products, taking into account the interests of professional market participants. Binding provisions of Polish national law and secondary EU law aimed at counteracting the discussed practice are imperfect. In addition, some normative solutions enable the double registration of borderline products. It is therefore worth formulating the de lege ferenda postulate, the fulfilment of which may contribute to the transparency of the borderline products market.



medicinal product, diet supplement, pharmaceutical law, cosmetic product, medical device, borderline products

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Damian Rafał Kaczan
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


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