Calculation of the Majority of Votes Required to Pass a Resolution of the Creditors' Committee in Bankruptcy Proceedings. Remarks Concerning the Resolution of the Supreme Court of April 21, 2016, III CZP 3/16

Przemysław Telenga

Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie , Poland


A direct impulse for these considerations is the resolution of the Polish Supreme Court of 21 April 2016 (III CZP 3/16), which provides the answer to two legal questions concerning the issue of calculating the majority of votes in the creditors' committee in the bankruptcy proceedings.
Discussing the problems noticed in the judicature, the author refers to the statements of the Polish doctrine, in which the dispute began in the interwar period and was not unambiguously settled (until the above mentioned resolution) in the views of contemporary representatives of the juridical doctrine. The core of the problem concerns the question whether and how the majority of votes is calculated in the case of absence of some members at a meeting of creditors’ committee, and when the members at the meeting of the creditors' committee cast 'abstentions', i.e. they do not take an unequivocal position either ‘for’ or ‘against’ the resolution.
In conclusion, the author states that resolutions of the creditors’ committee are always adopted by a majority of members of the designated composition of the council, the majority being calculated in relation to all council members (i.e. three or five) and with the required presence of all council members appointed by the judge-commissioner.


bankruptcy proceedings, bodies in bankruptcy proceedings, the creditors’ committee in bankruptcy proceedings, the composition of the creditors’ committee, voting at the creditors’ committee meeting

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Przemysław Telenga 
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie


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