Administrative decision as a form of supervision over resolutions of authorities constituting a research institute

Jan Dytko

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach , Poland


Research institutes are filled into widely understood science system in Poland. They are organizational units separated organizationally and financially – having legal personality. Activities of a institute is based on the statute and its organs include: director and science council which adopts resolutions in important matters related to institute tasks. The resolutions of science council of research institute are subject of supervision of competent minister who, in the course of supervisory interference can repeal in part or entirely the resolution of the council. The supervision on legislative activity of science councils of research institutes is expressed in forms of administrative decision which is a subject to review by means of a reconsideration of the case and by a court-administrative complaint. The only criterion of supervision on science council resolutions of research institutes is the legality – compliance with universally applicable law and the statute of the institute. Legality is also the point of reference during verification of supervisory decisions over the resolutions of scientific councils, whether in administrative procedure or juridical control. In the latter case, the supervisory authority may exercise the right of self-control.


research institute, supervision, administrative decision

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Jan Dytko
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach


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