Effectiveness of Mediation in Administrative Proceedings

Ks. Włodzimierz Broński


The institution of administrative mediation is a legal instrument, i.e. a meas­ure aimed at achieving the objective of amicable settlement of a case. This na­ture of mediation is highlighted by the standards of the Code of Administrative Procedure. This study explores an impact of the Code-based mediation on the effectiveness of administrative proceedings. In this context, effectiveness signi­fies the accomplishment of goals that underlay the incorporation of mediation into the Code of Administrative Procedure as pertinent to the basic principles of administrative proceedings. Those goals include: the promptness of proceedings, the principle of citizens’ trust in the administrative authority and the principle of amicable dispute resolution. The article elaborates upon the following four issues: grounds for the incorporation of mediation into the Code of Administrative Pro­cedure, the essence and principles of mediation, the application extent of media­tion, conclusions on how the way mediation is governed affects the effectiveness of administrative proceedings.


mediation, administrative proceedings, rules of mediation

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Broński, K. W. (2019). Efektywność mediacji w postępowaniu administracyjnym. Studia Prawnicze KUL, (3), 47–68. https://doi.org/10.31743/sp.8888

Ks. Włodzimierz Broński 


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