The Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Out-Of-Court Resolution of Civil Disputes

Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska

Uniwersytet Szczeciński , Poland


The article elaborates upon the extent and ways of using artificial intelligence (AI) in the out-of-court resolution of civil disputes. The author analyses the areas in which AI may be used, ranging from collecting data and related processing for the needs of the decision-making process, through supporting mediators (concil­iators) or arbitrators in the course of proceedings, to the role with a high degree of independence, referring to proposing possible solutions to the parties in the course of conciliation proceedings and even dispute settlement by issuing an ar­bitration binding on the parties. The study indicates not only the opportunities related to the complementary role of AI in relation to human activity in this area, but also the problems and threats related primarily to AI’s weaknesses in the scope of the analysis of human behaviour and nuances related to human emo­tions and motivation in civil cases.


artificial intelligence, alternative methods of resolving civil disputes, mediation,, arbitration

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Kinga Flaga-Gieruszyńska 
Uniwersytet Szczeciński


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